Driftwood Blouse + Dress - Size Chart + Fabric Requirements

Suggested Fabric

This pattern requires fabric with a good amount of drape to avoid a stiff-looking garment.

Lightweight linen, gauze, muslin, voile, lawn, rayon, silk, seersucker, georgette are all suitable fabrics. Flannel could be an option for a warmer weight garment.

Other Supplies & Notions

  • Spool of coordinating thread
  • If NOT making homemade bias from the pattern piece: 1 yd (1m) of 12” (25mm) wide double fold bias binding for neckline 
  • Elastic sleeve hem option: 14” (6mm) wide elastic for baby sizes or 38” (1cm) wide elastic for child sizes. 
  • Large safety pin for threading through your elastic
  • Elastic loop + button closure option: A small amount of cord elastic and a button. You could use a hair tie for the elastic
  • Dress option elastic: 12” (12mm) wide elastic. 



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